Tuesday, August 25, 2009

how to chop onions

This is a fine, elegant procedure. It's more a happening. I like onions okay but the chopping of them is pure romanticism. Best to go with a yellow or red, rather than white. Green are great too but those are much different and more in tune with cutting celery or carrots. So you take said onion. Don't try that quicky cubicle stuff where you cut lengthwise and cut the other way and then chop down, forming diced onions. Peel whatever needs peeled. I usually peel another one or two layers beyond that, but that's just me, I'm special in ways only a mother appreciates. Then off with it's head, if there is one. And be sure to have a nice knife. And a nice plain plate and clean hands and patience and solitude. Bring the knife down in a cutting motion, not chopping. The onion has layers. Respect those layers. Ease into it, without chopping. Cut it fine and thin. After you have three or four slices, cut those in halfsies. Turn plate one-quarter turn and begin cutting in tiny little pizza crescents. The size depends on the dish being prepared. Continue prior steps until done. Lather, rinse, repeat.

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